Sunday, September 20, 2009

Forgiveness is not an Option

Our future is tied to what you have done and are currently doing. Walk circumspectly (using a word my Dad uses all the time) so as not to fall into an emotional trap that may seem right at the time but will cause damaging repercussions.

It is unfortunate that, in our walk through life, we will have to face people that will want to do us harm. I’m not referring to those who accidentally hurt us. Although those events will no doubt bother us, they will not birth the same desire for revenge as those initiated out of the conscious effort to harm us.

You might be thinking that you don’t harbor a desire for revenge but simply believe that they (those who have harmed you) don’t deserve and will not get your forgiveness. This attitude will inflict self injury and future discomfort.

When we fail to forgive we set several things into motion. First of all we set the law of sowing and reaping into action, meaning that we will reap unforgiveness. And second, unforgiveness will bind that event to your future. You will not reach the success you desire. Unforgiveness acts as a weight and acts as a tether to your dreams.

Forgive, and cut yourself loose.

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