Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ride to school

The taxi jerked to the left in order to avoid a horse-drawn cart making it's way down the Javier Prado (a semi-highway in Lima) and I looked down at my 4-year old laughing and singing beside me.

She knows no other life except the one overseas. To her it's normal to see horses on the highway, and over stuffed buses. To her it's a wonderful experience to eat an empanada on the street corner and haggle with the street vendor for a better price on her M&M's.

She's growing up and experiencing the world at lighting speed. I feel many times like the crowd in the stands watching the runner rush by on her way towards the finish line.

She used to fit in one arm. Now she looks up at me from her side of the taxi pointing at the fire eater asking for money at the light-stop.

We're going to her school and some would think it to be a waste of time, others would fill the 10-15 minutes with a phone call or an email to their boss. To me it's 15 minutes that I will cherish for a lifetime.

My beautiful baby girl

-- Post From My iPhone

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