Saturday, December 6, 2008
How is your cup?
Join me in celebrating the goodness of our God. For He is good and His mercy endures Forever.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Proclamation
On this very special day, let’s follow suit and remember the greatness of our God, His Majesty, and His powerful but merciful hand.
Thank you God.
May He bless and keep you.
By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America A PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour; and Whereas both Houfes of Congress have, by their joint committee, requefted me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to eftablifh a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and affign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of thefe States to the fervice of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our fincere and humble thanksfor His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the fignal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpofitions of His providence in the courfe and conclufion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have fince enjoyed;-- for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to eftablish Conftitutions of government for our fafety and happinefs, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;-- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are bleffed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffufing useful knowledge;-- and, in general, for all the great and various favours which He has been pleafed to confer upon us.
And also, that we may then unite in moft humbly offering our prayers and fupplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and befeech Him to pardon our national and other tranfgreffions;-- to enable us all, whether in publick or private ftations, to perform our feveral and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a bleffing to all the people by conftantly being a Government of wife, juft, and conftitutional laws, difcreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all fovereigns and nations (especially fuch as have shewn kindnefs unto us); and to blefs them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increafe of fcience among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind fuch a degree of temporal profperity as he alone knows to be beft.
GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New-York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-nine.
(signed) G. Washington
Source: The Massachusetts Centinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1789
Friday, November 7, 2008
I'm a Christian. Who are you?
If we compare how we define other ways or walks of life we accept this definition as normal. Take a person who calls himself a Buddhist. This would be a person who follows the teachings of Gautama Buddha. Right? If you allow me to take it one step further, we can't call a person a Buddhist if they only follow some of his teachings. In other words holding the sole belief in reincarnation or Karma doesn't make you a Buddhist, nor does living at a Buddhist temple or in a Buddhist community make you a follower of Buddha.
Are you following? Am I beating a dead horse?
If we look at Luke 6:46 (in the Bible) we can see where Jesus points out the people who call him "Lord" but don't put his word or teachings in practice. In Matthew 7:21-22 Jesus is even more blatant and divides those who are followers from those who are not.
So if we take those verses we can see that a "Christian" is one who not only listens but puts into practice the Word and the Will of God. Simply going to church or living a "nice" life doesn't make you a Christian, right? Even holding the position of a pastor, priest, or minister doesn't make you a Christian. I like one person's analogy about race horses. He said that you can put a mule in a race horse stall but it doesn't make him a race horse, likewise you can sit in your garage but it doesn't make you a car. Once, I saw a VW bug with a Ferrari car shell. It looked great and I thought it was a fast, sleek, sophisticated car, until I was told that it was a VW bug under all that Cool Exterior. When the owner started the motor I could tell, and when it pulled out of the parking lot I could tell it was nothing like a Ferrari.
It's what is under the hood that confirms its' true identity. You could go to a junk yard somewhere and find a Ferrari bashed up, broken, and maybe with other car parts welded on to it's chassis, to such a degree that you may not even recognize it as a Ferrari. And even though that vehicle may not look like a Ferrari it hasn't changed into a VW, a Ford, Dodge, or whatever.
The same logic applies when being called a Christian. There are many who desire to live a "good", kind, and righteous life who have joined a good church and have called themselves "Christian". But these acts (albeit good acts) are not indicators of being a Christian. Jesus said that "if you love me you will obey what he commands" and in a later verse he says that the person who loves Him will do what He teaches (John 14). He didn't tell anyone to go to church. He didn't say live a "good" life. He said love your neighbor as yourself, he said forgive, he said seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
One time when he was asked by his disciples to show them the Father He said that if we were to see Him (Jesus) then they had already seen the Father. He was teaching by example. In His (Jesus') love for the father He imitated everything God did to the point that He could say "if you've seen me you've seen the Father". It wasn´t the church he attended, or the good life he lived that qualified him. It was His Love and His imitation, or walk. Jesus said that the World will know who are His disciples by their fruit. It is what we do, from the inside out, that defines who we are.
Can you say that you are doing what Jesus would do? Can you say that you are speaking what Jesus would say?
I realize that we all screw up every now and again but we are defined by how we stand firm or fall from the pressures that surround us. Do the circumstances in the World dictate how you will turn and what you will do? How does the economy influence you? What about the office pressures? And what about the pressure from our friends. How you stand up in the face of pressure that would have you choose another path, dictates who you are.
Who are you?
Have you noticed how Hollywood makes fun of Christians? In the movie "Fun with Dick and Jane" (2005) there is a scene where Dick played by Jim Carry is trying to pee in a cup for a subsequent drug test. One of the store clerks working as a Human Resources personnel offers her pee for 100 dollars 'cause she had been of the "pipe" for 6 months. She punctuates her offer with "Praise you Jesus". Her hypocrisy is what the Worlds sees and defines as Christian. It's the hypocrisy that causes us to slap our knees and laugh. Why? Because we all know of people in church and may have participated in something similar.
They see the "Christians" that want to live a "good" life, and not the Christians that Walk like Jesus. It is the influence of those type of people that cause many youth to turn away from Christ, and embrace Atheism or Agnosticism. And it causes many others not to embrace Christianity since they too can live a "good" life without Christ.
So who are you? What does your fruit look like?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So where is the truth in all this? Is it demonic? Or just a simple celebration? Should I participate or allow my kids to do so? What?
Well, I've included a few links at the bottom of this blog that details the origin of Halloween. The History channel has an interesting article, free of Halloween promotion while the neopagan has a more positive Halloween spin on things. The Wikipedia site is no doubt interesting but it is in a constant state of flux. I've added the links so you don't have to read me drone on about the history and the specific meanings behind the day.
I would rather settle down on the practical nuts and bolts of this celebration (which is not a holiday) and what it means to me.
Halloween has traditionally been synonymous with death, darkness, fear, pain, and destruction. If you read the history of the celebration, you'll find that it is was developed around the day in which the druidic practitioners’ believed the veil between this world and the spiritual realm was the thinnest. During this time they believed that the dead and other spirits could cross over to our world.
When I was a kid the kids in the neighborhood dressed up as demons, Dracula, zombies, mummies, witches, and ferries. Today we have added princes, princesses, super heroes, Joe the plumber, etc. But the underlying celebration still remains. It is still done in ways to represent groups of spirits knocking on doors as our innocence dresses up and visits house after house after dark.
Halloween, glorifies death, the undead, fear, and those who conjure up and speak to them. Just watch the television, look at the movies coming out, check out the decorations in the schools, stores, and malls.
My house doesn't celebrate death. If we want to dress up in customs then we dress up. We don't need to wait for the 31st of October. If my kids want candy they can ask me for some and I will be more than happy to give it to them without the need to coerce me with "Trick or Treat."
Who will Christians Vote for?
I have an opinion that I think is quite logical and well thought out. Of course if you think differently I am interested in hearing your opinion and opposing argument.
My opinion is based on looking at the human core. The questions that must be asked is “Who are we?”, and how should we act based on that answer? Without getting to DEEP allow me to explain myself.
The same thing happens with the way we choose friends, churches, organizations, work, etc. These choices define us and to an extent provide a convenient way for others to file us into neat predetermined cubby holes. Our activities and choices are the fruit of what is inside our heart. In popular speak one could say, “We do what we like. We say what’s inside us.” This never changes. We may be offered a reward or a punishment to complete a given option but all that does is change whether or not the reward or the punishment is great enough to become the NEW desire.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Golden Rule
I suppose that the reason I thought the Golden Rule was a warning or a threat was because I saw myself as a result of what everyone else did around me. I hadn’t taken ownership of my decisions, much less my life. For instance, I was “good” because that was what the rules said. When I wasn’t recognized it was because someone else was better than me. When I wasn’t accepted or something didn’t go my way it was because “they didn’t like me”, “They didn’t notice”. Everything happened to me because of others' positions, thoughts, actions…I didn’t see myself as a victim but as a puppet or the product of some strange equation.
But then, while meditating on Matthew 7:12, I saw something that has changed my life. Jesus is giving us the key to what we want to receive. He isn’t saying “Be careful of what you do, ‘cause somehow it will be done back to you.” NO! He is saying that “if there is something that you would like others to do to you, that is what you must do first.”
It’s the same concept in sowing and reaping. For the longest time, when I would see something happen (usually a bad thing) to another person, I would say under my breath “Sow and Reap”. But I realized that God is telling us that we don’t have to be carried by the tide or the waves of society. We can envision what we want to reap, and sow for that harvest.
WOW! We have our future in our hands. What a great responsibility, and an awesome truth.
Here are some verses to read over. Proverbs 11:18, Job 4:8, Matthew 7:12, and Luke 6:31
Take the time to think about what these verses say and take them to heart. Remember, you aren’t a victim of circumstance, nor are you any one’s puppet. You are in charge, so like the Templar Knight said to Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade “Choose wisely!”
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
God has a special plan for us
Sadly, that is our human concept of God. You see, it is difficult to see things outside out own experience. We all have jobs, chores, and tasks all over the place. We deal with traffic, the outrageous gas prices, the annoying neighbor or fellow car pooler. We speak to our boss and those we work with, and then there are the customers. We deal with home issues, late night television, report cards, and the new hole in the roof. After a hard day at work or at school we carry our feelings on our sleeve, and on the edge of our tongue. So when we think about God we understand how impossible it would be for the Creator to think about us.
But that is not the case. God is so much greater than any experience could ever enlighten us. He is so much bigger than our problems and even bigger than the world's problems. He doesn't have his hands full. On the contrary, He can do all things and He is poised to bless us and help us grow up in Him. It was so important for Him that we should know this, that He wrote it down in Jeremiah 29:11 which says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
The devil will attempt to keep us from calling on our heavenly Father in our time of need, but that would be the worst thing to do. We have a heavenly father that loves us and has done the greatest thing He could ever do in order to save us, His children.
So, as you sit there in front of your computer screen, take a moment and talk to Him. Talk to your heavenly Dad, and draw near to Him.
Jesus is Ultimate Theology
What that means is that whatever we have seen Him do that is the will of God. Jesus said it this way, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. ..Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” John 14:9-10
He never hurt anyone, nor did he use pain, suffering, sickness, death, disease, or poverty to teach any one a lesson. On the contrary, He preached a message of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, restoration, the Kingdom of God, and where ever He went he destroyed the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)
Let’s look at the things he undid or destroyed.
- Diseases
- Death
- Doubt
- Fear
- Unbelief
- Epilepsy
- Demon possession
- Hunger
- Lack
- Imprisonment
- Poverty
- Storms
- Deafness
- Blindness
- Lack of limbs
- Etc…
By His grace we are saved from all the above. His Mercy endures forever. A good verse to read is John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Go out now and tell someone about how Good Jesus is, and take this good news to those who are afflicted by the works of the devil.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thank God for Forgivenss
Have you noticed that whenever we do something short of God's perfect will the evil one is quick to condemn us. Even though he isn't invited to the party he interjects his opinion and attempts to drive a wedge between us and our loving Father.
Let me warn you, this trap will only lead to condemnation, depression, and strife. What we must realize is that God is Love and He has already forgiven us of all things. This may be a little difficult to understand since we come from a world of "righting wrongs". ie if someone does something to us we expect that person to repay, repair, or restore whatever it was to its' prior condition. So when we fail at something we expect God to react the same way.
The reality is that before you did what you did or said what you said, Jesus had already repaid, repaired, and restored it. So when we fall short the best thing we can do is to run to Him, get it off our chest and receive our forgiveness.
He loves us more than we have been able to grasp. Let's RUN to Him and receive His miracle of forgiveness.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Love is God's Base
I am convinced that everything God does is motivated by love. The beginning, the creation of all things, the blessing given to Adam and Eve, the promise of a redeemer, the law, the prophets, the redeemer, the freedom we enjoy in Christ, the power of His Name, His glory, the authority and power to enter boldly to His throne room and receive from Him all are reflections of His Love.
A dear friend and I were talking and reflecting on how Jesus prayed in John 17:23 that we should know that God loves us just as much as He loves Jesus. This revelation is one that should propel us past the petty one-upmanship that plagues so many of our Christian bodies. It should bring us to a level of loving one another and others as Jesus did. After coming to the realization that we as followers of Jesus are loved by God the Father just as much as He loved Jesus, should elevate our rhetoric, our willingness to forgive, and our overall testimony.
We don’t need to fight for His attention, forgiveness, or love- it’s already ours. We don’t need to prove to anyone how much more deserving we are over anyone else to receive His Mercy-it’s already ours.
All He calls us to do is to reflect the same love to others, to show others how much He desires to love them too.
Let’s cast off the struggle to be worthy, and embrace His love that was poured out on us (Romans 5:5) and love our family, and our neighbor.
- John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
- 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves has been born of God, and knows God.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven
I believe that this statement has been under evaluated, and suppressed. Since it is part of what we have called the “Lord’s Prayer” it has been clumped together with the entire prayer and not looked at and put into practice.
Jesus prayed this and what He prayed came to pass. What he asked His disciples to do it was done and what He asked them to pray came to pass. So here he tells them to pray this way….”Our Father who is in Heaven holy is your Name, Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.”
Do you dare? Do you dare pray this way and with it take a stand to walk like it is unfolding before you? It is a wonderful thing to be saved and going to heaven but it is the ability to bring the Kingdom of God to the needy and the hurt, to heal the land, to bring stability to the economy, to stand in the way of tyranny and violence and to defy nature that makes us truly Ambassadors of this heavenly Kingdom.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Who are we?
Foolish (moronic, ignorant, immature) friends will not only damage our reputation but over time they will affect a change in us. Our paradigms will begin to change over time. We will begin to take on their points of view. We too will become foolish, moronic, ignorant and immature.
Have you heard the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" Initially I thought that it meant that birds seek out other similar birds, but over time I realized it means something else. Birds begin to look like the birds around them.
The youth today claim that they want to be different, but what they mean is that they want to be different from those people who are not in their group. If you put a “Goth” kid in a rural-farmer high school, (and take away all exterior stimuli from the city and the Goth culture) the kid will begin to transform himself into the "birds" that are around him. (He may not like it but its human nature.) He /she will begin to find pleasure in horse-back riding, nature, and wearing jeans with boots.
Jesus carefully chose those with whom he was to be around. His closest friends (the Disciples) were not chosen randomly. In Proverbs 13:20 we read
“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm"It doesn’t say that the person who walks with the wise does it because he is wise…It says that he grows wise.
It is time to reflect on the people we call "friends or acquaintances," and ask the question "Who am I hanging out with?” Let’s chose our friends wisely.
Your Friend, Your Brother
Gabriel G
Quien Eres?
En inglés hay un dicho que es muy similar al siguiente “Mira con quien andas y te diré quien eres…” En inglés es “Birds of a feather flock together” / “Los Pagaros de un mismo plumaje se juntan.”Antes yo lo tomaba por decir que los pájaros buscan otros pájaros similares, pero a través del tiempo me he dado cuenta que significa otra cosa, que los pájaros se acoplan a los pájaros en su alrededor.
Los jóvenes dicen querer ser diferente pero lo que quieren decir es que desean ser diferentes a las personas que no están en su grupo. Si pones un niño urbano, “Rapero”, en una escuela secundaria-rural-vaquera comenzará a transformarse según los “pájaros” que están a su alrededor. (No es que lo guste o no, es la naturaleza humana.)
Jesucristo tomo cuidado en escoger a las personas con quienes se iba a juntar. Sus mas acércanos (los discípulos) no resultaron ser así por coincidencia. En Proverbios 13:20 leemos ago interesante.
El que anda entre sabios será sabio, pero el que se junta con necios acabará enNo dice que “el que anda entre sabios es por que es sabio” sino que “será” sabio.
al ruina.
Es tiempo de reflexionar en las personas que llamamos “amigos o conocidos”, y hacernos la pregunta “Con quien me estoy juntando?”.
Tu Amigo
Tu Hermano
Thursday, February 7, 2008
For us, it may be impossible
We must seek Him and let His way be our way and the storms of this World will not prevail against us.
Mark 10:27
27Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
What's Your Hobby
So tell me, what are your hobbies? What do you do when you’re not at work? –That’s the question I’ve heard asked in many offices throughout the World. Many times it’s answered easily enough but other times the person being asked the question just looks puzzled. They answer, “Oh I don’t know. I guess I don’t have a hobby.” So the follow up question is –Well, what do you like to do when you’re on your own? — That question will tell you what your “hobby” is.
A Hobby is a beautiful thing that allows us to let down our hair and be who we know we truly are. They don’t just give us pleasure in doing them, they help define us. In many ways we can get to know someone better by watching their hobbies. For some it’s reading, for others it’s watching TV. I’ve found that the majority of the people have more than one thing that they enjoy doing. Being with the family and playing games, driving cars while listening to their favorite CD, or cooking and horseback riding, etc. It’s an expression of our inner self.
That’s why we see in the Bible that we should desire or delight in the Lord. God wants us to spend our “free” time with Him. He doesn’t want to be “fit” into our schedule, for the Sunday usual. And without trying to make this sound trite, He wants to be our Hobby.
I heard in Sunday school once that we should make time for God. At first it sounds like a very good thing to do, right? But we make time for the things that are hard to do or the things that we don’t want to do. “I have to make time to go to the Dentist.” “We really need to make time to go to the grocery store” etc etc. That’s not what He wants. He wants us to enjoy time with him, not make time for Him.
When we turn to Him and make Him our desire, and our delight we will not only develop a deeper relationship with Him but we will define ourselves by Him. And by continuing in Him we will experience the blessing that is associated with this delight. Psalms chapter one says that we will be like a tree planted by rivers of water. In chapter 37 it says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord He will give us the desires of our heart.
Let’s make today different than any other day. Let’s not spend time, invest time, or make time…let’s enjoy time with God and His Word.