Saturday, July 31, 2010

His Way is Easy

As we walk in Christ we should remember an important truth that Jesus pointed out. That to walk with Him is to take up a light yoke. The burden we are asked to carry is not heavy and tiresome when we trust in Him.

In fact in Matthew 11:30 it says that His way is easy.

I realize that we will be under attack by the evil one and we will be targeted by those who persecuted Christ. i.e. the religious folk. Jesus told us that we would have them just as they persecuted Him. But as for easy or difficult, heavy or light??? Jesus told us it would be EASY.

We should be living as ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom, with every step, with every word, and with every action proclaiming His triumph over death, hell, and the grave. His dominance over sickness and disease, and our position with Him (seated high above in heavenly places).

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Light Without a Shadow

The other day the lights went out at the house. I was amazed how quickly the darkness took over the room, covering the items obscuring them from view. The first thing that came to mind was that darkness can not exist with light. Light has to leave the room for darkness to enter.

So anyway, back to the story. The family searched out the flashlights we have stashed in every room just for these cases and I made a game with my 5-year old of turning on our flashlights and playing with the beams of light. As we walked to the fuse box we made shadows with our fingers, and our hands. The shadows were fun to do but we had to stop so we wouldn't run into a chair or the ottoman.

What occurred to me (insert Holy Spirit), was that the shadows didn't happen on their own but were a product of what we did around the light source. The closer we held an object to the light the greater the shadow. And this reminded me of Matthew 5:14-16. We are the light of the World. But when we put things in front of us we block the light casting shadows. These shadows affect those around us who are benefiting from the light and us since we can't see the ottomans in our shadows.

So what are those things that cast shadows? I believe that they are the spiritual truths we are not applying in our life, like non-forgiveness, sin, hate, resentment, and truths we know are right but we decide not to accept since they don't "fit" a lifestyle, or a denomination.

As long as we continue to cast shadows in the light we will continue to stumble and struggle against the unseen ottomans and hidden throw rugs. So let's follow Hebrews 12:1 ... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us...

Above all let us live in Love and Forgiveness, overlooking the faults of others and striving to change the only person that we can...ourselves. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Ambassadors represent their home country. They are the "face" of the president in the host country. What the President or their country leader says they support. It doesn't matter what they feel or think about the president's position. They aren't called to be their own representatives. They aren't selected to speak their mind.

They are selected to represent and speak the words their country leader has asked them to speak. This reminds me of what Jesus said, that He only did or said what He heard the Father do and say.

As representatives of the Kingdom we should weigh our words and measure our activities in such a manner as to faithfully represent our King. I believe that for the most of us this is very conscious in our minds, and we do the best we can to represent the Kingdom.

Problems happen when communication breaks down between the Embassy and the leader of the country. When the ambassador is unaware of the position the leader has, or is adding or subtracting from the message using personal experience as the justification, the Ambassador fails in his responsibility.

This happens on occasion among the representatives of the Heavenly kingdom. Due to poor communication, these representatives do the best they can but fail. Sometimes these reps have read the Word but have not developed the relationship necessary to convey the Spirit of the Word.

This is evident in people who live in such a way to insinuate that God only loves certain people, and those who spend time in downplaying and even attaching other Kingdom Ambassadors.

As Ambassadors we should be concerned with our communication with our Lord and to faithfully represent the Kingdom of God.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, July 19, 2010

Missionaries Ambassadors

Missionaries--- I remember when I was a kid, how the mention of the word “Missionary” meant adventure and living over seas. One day in Kansas City, Missouri while attending the church's Wednesday night service I met some Missionary kids. The Church was celebrating Missionary week and there was a family visiting who were missionaries in Africa. They had slides, beads, and native jewelry and a ton of stories. I remember that day as the moment I became enamored with the thought of being a Missionary. My Mom and Dad had read us many stories of missionaries as we grew up and for some reason they all lived in the Jungle. So when my Dad told us that we were going to be missionaries in Mexico I was ecstatic and began to imagine our lives in the Jungles of Mexico!

Until the day we actually left for Mexico, my Dad continued to teach in churches and home groups and when he would tell people that he was going to the “Mission Field” I noticed a different response among people than the one I felt. Their faces closed down or became “compassionate” (i.e. feel sorry or pity). And even today, when people mention the word "Missionary" their minds are full of images of poor, and needy people living in hardship. In fact, when I hear those people called into the Mission Field, they sound resolved to live destitute and to endure hardships. But this popular view is wrong and, to a degree, offensive.

At nearly 40 years old I can say that I see things differently. I've been lived more overseas than I have lived in the US. I have been the Missionary. I have lived as a Missionary and a Preacher's Kid. The way I see the world and the way I live my faith has matured. I must admit to you that I still believe that living as a missionary is adventurous and fun. I must also point out that God isn’t the only one who has Missionaries. A Missionary is much more than just a person who teaches and or preaches.

In first place, let me tell you that the USA has Ambassadors in many countries throughout the world. Each Ambassador is assigned to an Embassy and that Embassy reason for being, along with all those assigned to it is called the Mission. When a person is assigned by the State Department or the Department of Justice, or the Depart of Agriculture to the Embassy of what ever country, it is said that they are part of that Mission. So in all effects of the word they have become “Missionaries” of that Embassy.

In fact, they are asked to behave in such a way as to truthfully represent the Home Country i.e. USA. They are told that their activities, their actions, their conversations and friends reflect what the Mission is all about. So what is the Mission about? It’s is about representing the Home Country and it’s interests. It shows the strength, the power, the wealth, and the influence the Home Country has and is. It promotes commerce, communication, travel, and trade among the Home Country and the Host Country. It is a place for citizens of the Home Country to go to receive aid and support while in the host or foreign country.

But what I would like to emphasize is that the missionaries are not poor, destitute, living in hardship. I would imagine that the U.S. would frown on anyone assigned to the Mission that was living that way. In fact, the Ambassador (the ultimate representative of the Home Country) is surrounded by guards, and assistants. He or she lives in a nice house, and has his needs catered too. The Ambassador holds periodic meetings with the host country dignitaries and measures his/her words to say that which would reflect the interests and position of the Home Country.

It is interesting to know that we are representatives of a heavenly kingdom. We are God’s Ambassadors. We represent His Kingdom. It is true that we are Missionaries the moment we are assigned to His Mission. The Mission God has called us to is to “represent” and tell the World of His Kingdom. (Mark 16:15-18 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”(KJV) Matthew 6:9-10 "This is how you should pray. " 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored. May your kingdom come. May what you want to happen be done on earth as it is done in heaven. (NIV))

Our Mission is to bring the Kingdom of God to this Earth. So anything and everything we do should be done towards those ends. This revelation should reflect on how we see and expect a Missionary to be. They are representatives of the Kingdom. They aren’t supposed to be poor, nor would it be God’s will for them to be. On the contrary, since they represent the Kingdom, Missionaries should be attractive in every way. And when a person is called to a poor country it isn’t to be pitied but to be rejoiced and celebrated, since God is, in fact, sending an emissary to a needy country to supply it’s need, not with words alone, but with power, authority, rain, prosperity, health and a future.

An Ambassador is never alone. He speaks with his entire nation behind him. His words are backed up by the Armed Forces, Commerce, the Blessings of his nation, and the threat of holding his nation’s wealth from anyone who refuses their diplomatic note. If it is certainly true that the physical world is only a shadow of the Spiritual, then how much MORE should we walk with authority as Ambassador’s here on this Earth (aliens in a foreign land) declaring God’s Kingdom with every action, Every Word. Missionaries

-----Some Examples of US Ambassador's Residence------
US Ambassador's Residence in Dublin

US Ambassador's Residence in Paris

US Ambassador's Residence in Oslo
