Foolish (moronic, ignorant, immature) friends will not only damage our reputation but over time they will affect a change in us. Our paradigms will begin to change over time. We will begin to take on their points of view. We too will become foolish, moronic, ignorant and immature.
Have you heard the saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" Initially I thought that it meant that birds seek out other similar birds, but over time I realized it means something else. Birds begin to look like the birds around them.
The youth today claim that they want to be different, but what they mean is that they want to be different from those people who are not in their group. If you put a “Goth” kid in a rural-farmer high school, (and take away all exterior stimuli from the city and the Goth culture) the kid will begin to transform himself into the "birds" that are around him. (He may not like it but its human nature.) He /she will begin to find pleasure in horse-back riding, nature, and wearing jeans with boots.
Jesus carefully chose those with whom he was to be around. His closest friends (the Disciples) were not chosen randomly. In Proverbs 13:20 we read
“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm"It doesn’t say that the person who walks with the wise does it because he is wise…It says that he grows wise.
It is time to reflect on the people we call "friends or acquaintances," and ask the question "Who am I hanging out with?” Let’s chose our friends wisely.
Your Friend, Your Brother
Gabriel G