I was moved by a question asked of me regarding Jesus and His atonement for our sins. Although I had the answer, it made me wonder how many of my friends may not know or understand what happened that day. It may seem strange, but have you considered that Jesus died for your sins that day? He died both physically and spiritually so that we could be alive and have a future with God.
Give me a chance to show you where I'm getting this, okay? I wouldn't be saying this if it weren't true.
We both know that the grace that God has given us is because of what Jesus did for us. He is the lamb that was slain. Just as in the old times when the priest laid his hands on the lamb and placed on it the sins of the people, so the same thing happened with Jesus—the Lamb. The Lamb had to be sacrificed and His blood was poured out to cover the sins of the people. The lamb didn't die for its sin (because the lamb was without spot or blemish) but, rather for the sin of others.
I am certain you already know this, but it lays a foundation for what I have found.
The Word says that the payment for sin is death...in other words, the consequence for sin is death. Returning to the first sin, we don't see Adam or Eve falling over dead, but their spirit was "unplugged" from God when they sinned. They became separated from God. Isaiah 59:2 says, "… your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you,…" Not being plugged into God is death. And spiritual death will lead to physical death. We know that our enemy is unplugged from God. Satan is on his own and likewise we say he is dead.
In Colossians 1:18, Paul refers to Christ as "…the firstborn from the dead." That obviously doesn't refer to a body being returned from the dead, because several prophets had raised people from the dead and Jesus had done it at least twice that I know of. So what does this passage refer to, if not another death?
I realize that it seems odd and somehow "not right" to consider that Jesus was born again. But what about Romans 8:29 that says He is "…the firstborn among many brethren?" Born of what? Born how? In John 3, Jesus speaks of the new birth. He says that being born again is being born of the Spirit. Up to that point, except for Adam and Eve, there hadn't been anyone born "alive in the Spirit." All men had been born of water but dead in the Spirit, in other words, unplugged from God. So, Paul shows us that Jesus was truly the firstborn of those to be born again…born in the Spirit.
Now the question remains, "When did Jesus (His Spirit) die?"
Just as the sins of the people had to be placed on the lamb, so the sins of the world were placed on Jesus. Don't misunderstand me. Jesus never sinned. But for the atonement of our sins to be complete, He had to take them on Himself and die for them in our stead. 1 John 3:8 says, "…The reason the Son of God was made manifest was to undo and destroy the works of the devil." He had to undo the death (spiritual death) that was unleashed by Adam's sin so that we could be in right standing again with God. II Corinthians 5:21 further explains, "He made Christ to be sin who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become the righteousness of God [approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him]."
Interestingly, when Jesus spoke to God He referred to Him always as "Father." But in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, Jesus speaking directly to our Heavenly Father says, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me [deserted and abandoned Me]?" This is the only time Jesus refers to His Father as "My God." I believe that this came directly after the sins of the world were placed on him. Since God and sin can have no relationship, God had to unplug Himself from Jesus. At that time Jesus was alone. Directly after this cry Jesus' body died. I don't pretend to understand how Jesus can be God and also unplugged from God but I can't deny that at that point, there was a separation. There had to be a separation or a death in order that there could be a birth. And what a glorious birth it was, for He arose the firstborn of many brothers!!
So reading and listening to the Spirit I have come to realize that yes, in fact Jesus died for our sins, completely and entirely. He took our place on the cross, carried our sin and died a physical and spiritual death. "He personally bore our sins in His own body on the tree [as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that I might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness." 1 Peter 2:24